
Mental Health First Aid Workshops

Each year 1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental illness. Many people are not knowledgeable or confident to offer assistance. Physical first aid is accepted and widespread in our community, however most do not cover mental health problems.

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  • Imagen principal de Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Thu, Nov 24, 9:00 AM


  • Imagen principal de Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Thu, Oct 6, 9:00 AM


  • Imagen principal de Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Mental Health First Aid - 2 Day Workshop - BENDIGO

    Thu, Aug 18, 9:00 AM



Organizador de Mental Health First Aid Workshops