
Bread Baking

Whether you are an experienced or beginning baker - at Brot we love teaching all thinks sourdough, from Panettone to rustic European Country Loaves like Miche and Nordic Rye. Join us online or in person in the bakehouse in Vermont.

Eventos en esta colección

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop for Beginners

    Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop for Beginners

    domingo a las 10:00

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop

    Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop

    Sun, Jun 30, 10:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Bread Baking Intensive with Randy George

    Bread Baking Intensive with Randy George

    Sun, Jul 14, 10:30 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Baking With Alternative Grains

    Sourdough Baking With Alternative Grains

    Sun, May 5, 11:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Baking For Better Health

    Sourdough Baking For Better Health

    Sun, Sep 10, 10:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Baking with Alternative Grains - Buckwheat, Millet, Sorghum & Co.

    Sourdough Baking with Alternative Grains - Buckwheat, Millet, Sorghum & Co.

    Sun, Jul 2, 11:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de French Bread Classics: Baguette and Miche - A Hands-On Workshop in Vermont

    French Bread Classics: Baguette and Miche - A Hands-On Workshop in Vermont

    Sun, Jun 25, 11:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Sourdough Baking For Better Health

    Sourdough Baking For Better Health

    Sun, May 28, 10:00 AM

    A partir de $0.00

  • Imagen principal de Foundations of Bread Baking with Sourdough

    Foundations of Bread Baking with Sourdough

    Sat, Feb 18, 2:00 PM EST

    A partir de $0.00


Organizador de Bread Baking
We are an artisan microbakery and culinary school in the beautiful countryside of northern Vermont,specializing in hands-on, small size classes and private coaching.We strongly believe in promoting the craft of artisanal baking, the history and culture of regional specialties, and the century-old techniques of culinary artisans around the world - all at risk of dying out due to commercialization, industrialization and standardization.Our hands-on baking and culinary classes in the bakery’s production kitchen offer everybody the sensory experience of (re-)connecting with food regardless of experience or culinary background.