Active Meditation (Volunteering)

Active Meditation (Volunteering)

Urban garden practice on a terrace in Boedo, Buenos Aires

Por Escuela de Huerta

Seleccionar fecha y hora


Escuela de Huerta

889 Castro Barros Boedo, CABA C1217 Argentina

Acerca de este evento

  • 2 horas

Escuela de Huerta is in continuous training, thanks to the donation of your time, knowledge and skills, we will make it grow and be available for more people who want to practice Metropolitan Agriculture.

We are on the terrace of 2TGYM, Avenida Castro Barros 889, Boedo, Buenos Aires

When you arrive the athletes will tell you how to access.

The activities are NOT SUSPENDED in case of rain. 

Organizado por

En la Escuela de Huerta todas las personas somos aprendices. Cada participante trae su bagage de conocimientos que suma y enriquece nuestra labor.

GRACIAS por ser parte !!

At the Huerta School, all of us are apprentices. Each participant brings their baggage of knowledge that adds and enriches our work.

THANK YOU for being a part!