Scholas Service Program I NY

Scholas Service Program I NY


By Scholas Occurrentes


Murdock Avenue

Murdock Avenue The Bronx, NY 10466

About this event

  • 4 hours

This is a new opportunity to follow our dream to create a new culture of encounter!


Frequently asked questions

From what time until what time is the event?

From 10 AM to 2 PM!

Is it necessary to bring lunch?

No. Scholas provides a snack and lunch on all three days.

Can I attend without a teacher or chapreone?

Yes, students will be able to participate.

Is it possible to receive a certificate of experience?

Of course. After the experience send to to request your certificate.

Will there be a space for educators?

Yes, Scholas provides a workshop for adults.

If I can only go for two days, can I participate?

While we recommend full participation in the experience, there is no requirement for those who can partially attend.

Can I sign up as a volunteer?

We recommend that you first live the Scholas experience. If you are a senior and have already participated in a Scholas program, you can join as a volunteer.

Organized by

El movimiento de jóvenes por la educación que busca devolvernos el sentido de lo que hacemos a través del deporte, el arte y la tecnología.